Welcome to the website for the Twilighters Podcast!

Established in April '08, the podcast's main hosts are Ruth, Eimear, Roisin & Sariona. The podcast welcomes guests, voicemails and emails from everyone!

site info
skin by pinkaholic
basecodes : afterbirth credits for the image syiara.
Apologies & Updates

Okay. We are tremendously sorry for the delay in making the first podcast available to the public, but life has gotten in the way. Sadly, we won't be able to record a second podcast until after our exams. The second podcast will be released on the 12th of June at the earliest. We have decided to release the first podcast with the second podcast, as the first is so wildly out of date now (it was recorded before even the trailer became available). So, expect a summer of ranting podcasts, all the way up to the release of the fourth book, Breaking Dawn. From there, we are expecting to take a break, resuming recording a few weeks before the December 12th opening of the movie, Twilight.

Thanks as ever for being so patient; we are, after all, only human. Unfortunately.

Be safe.

Can't last one day without your kiss,
Can't live in a world where you don't exist.

Firefox or IE

So, we received our first e-mail, much to our delight, only to tell us that the blog looks dodgy in Firefox. We've done the best we could, and it looks better, but in Internet Explorer is it's original format. We recommend good ol' IE.

Be Safe

Can't last one day without your kiss,
Can't live in a world where you don't exist.


Welcome to the website for the Twilighters Podcast, a podcast dedicated to the magnificent Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer.

As you can tell, the website, along with the podcasts, is a work in progress, but we are working our hardest to speed things along (we have important exams in a few weeks,you know! :S). If you have been directed here, then yay! It means word is getting out, this is only an amateur podcast, after all, so if none of the 'casters have met you before, this is a big deal.

As you may know, podcasts die without a proper community to download, support and interact with them, so, if you have a voicemail, e-mail, question, or would like to appear on the podcast, please e-mail us at

Be Safe!

Can't last one day without your kiss,
Can't live in a world where you don't exist.